•All employees shall keep the required 6’ distance between people at all times possible. Utilize phone calls, texts and e‐mails for communication.
•Walk‐in traffic to the receptionist lobby and offices will be by appointment only. This is for employees, vendors, customers, etc.
•A&K has appointed Tab Weis, Philip Dodson and Miles Fickes to support and enforce the required 6’ distance rule.
•The stance detailed on March 18, 2020 remains valid and intact. All employees are not required to work if not comfortable until the end of April 2020. Your choices to work (or not) must be communicated to management. Absences from work due to this reason cannot be intermittent (example – working every other day).
•All employees are allowed to only work up to 40 hours per week. Only exceptions are employees working directly on projects for PAP, Warminski Poland and other projects deemed urgent by management.
•It is very important to remain focused on production efficiency and hard work during these times. Employees will continue to be analyzed on performance, attendance, work ethic, following directions and working for the best interest of the company.
•Frequently wash/scrub your hands with soap and water and specifically following frequent contact with surfaces, items and using the restroom. Follow the CDC guidelines for taking preventative measures against illness and disease.
•A&K will adjust and be flexible with employees that have children at home or need to care for family during this time. This includes non‐standard working hours, flexible work schedules or working from home if feasible. Please see Philip Dodson if you need support.
•In the event an employee makes an elective under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act or the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act the employee will deliver promptly to A&K any and all notices and medical diagnosis related to the following.
•The employee is subject to a federal, state or local quarantine or isolation related to COVID‐19.
•The employee has been advised by a health care provider to self‐quarantine due to concerns related to COVID‐19.
•The employee is caring or an individual who is subject to an order as described in subparagraph (a) or has been advised as described in subparagraph (b).
•The employee is caring for a son or daughter of such employee if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable due to COVID‐19 precautions.
•The employee is experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Labor.
All questions related to Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) should be addressed to Liz Edge or Regan Mulvihill.
Thank you.
Philip Dodson
A&K Development Company